October 19, 2014


True source of courage is confidence. And the only source of confidence is knowledge. Thus from knowledge flows the conquests of a human being. There are no lucky beings, but only people with more knowledge. One doesn't have courage to take on the enemy in the battle unless he has the knowledge enough to estimate his strengths and weaknesses. Cowards are nothing but people with less knowledge. The more one knows about the world around him, the more courageous one becomes. Taking risk is nothing but applying knowledge at the cutting edge of the sword. The less knowledge one has the more cowardice he becomes.
Courage of the youth is just the mad man's vain attempt to prove himself not-mad. There is neither knowledge not confidence.
As people become old they tend to stop learning. Not learning is fashionable these days. (Unlearning is even more attractive). And so people become less courageous and take lesser risks as the pool of knowledge shrinks with age.
Superficial knowledge is more welcome, because then, one only sees simple things around him. As one learns deeper knowledge about something it becomes very complex and incomprehensible to human mind. That is why, not learning is fashionable. Because as one learns more it only becomes complex.
One day, machines will be capable of acquiring more knowledge and then they will be more courageous. Then man will be reduced to a slave.

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