February 16, 2022


"...why should we stand reverent before waterfalls and mountaintops, or a summer moon on a quiet sea, and not before the highest miracle of all: a man who is both great and good?"
-- Will Durant

"Our age has produced nothing great. I want to set an example"
-- Napoleon

Most of our mythologies are chronicles of Heros' exploits. From Gilgamesh to Achilles to Arjuna, men of action fill our stories of the past. There was a time when action was the primary thing to be aspired. It may be because of our evolutionary path, our struggle for existence in a world filled with dangers in every corner. It was the time when we were still fighting for supremacy on this planet.

We now reached a stage where our heros, our men of action, no longer have that primacy in our minds. In our quest for accommodating diversity, we have reduced ourselves to worshipping mediocrity. There is no special place in our minds to people who conquered themselves and the minds of people around them. Mobs run amok trampling everything that comes in its way. There are no more heros to give us a sense of purpose and take our species to its destiny. We are now masters of this planet, but there are no longer leaders among us, to lead us further.

In the midst of this caustic existence I miss the presence of heros around us. Even our movies no longer have heros.