February 19, 2010

No Projects, No Assignments, No Term papers

Last semester in IITK is much different from other semesters. Most people got a job. Few are waiting for reply from some foreign universities. Some, especially those who are not satisfied with the job(or package I should say) are waiting for CAT results. There is no academic pressure on anyone since this semester's SPI is nowhere going to matter. Now they are playing phatta in front of my room(IITK lingo for cricket with tennis ball) almost whole day. The dual degree people seems to be a little jealous on B.Techs. Those who got job are dreaming of how the professional life is going to be(especially the package part of it, like how much they are going to get in-hand etcetera etcetera...). Most companies are already giving a taste of it by arranging a get-together in the coming mid-semester break.

For me this is the best semester. The best part is that there are no projects, no assignments, no term papers to continuously harass me. One thing that scares me the most in IITK is project(Assignments and term papers occupy the next scary positions). It is from 5th semester that I got this allergy for projects. I got C in 3 courses in that semester, just because my projects were not good(eventually I was 6 point something in that semester). They put me under enormous pressure, especially during the last two months of the semester, that I just started avoiding taking courses that has a project. In fact, my priorities in taking a course have been, first to see if it has a project or not, then to see if the course content is interesting, and finally to see if the instructor is interesting.

My department is very liberal in attendance policy, but almost all courses have assignments. Assignments also become a burden if somehow the course become uninteresting after sometime. In fact I hate this continuous evaluation criteria, for I prefer to study in blocks of days than everyday studying every course.

I am one of those who always saves the best for the end. I accumulated all my open electives for the last year. So in the last semester, I had complete freedom to choose any course in the whole institute. I took two BTP type courses this semester, because of the satisfaction the last BTP gave to me. The HSS course "Sociology of Development", and Economics course "Development Economics" are cool. The other course "Algebra", makes me remember the first year with >200 students in a mini-theater type lecture hall. Contact hours are hardly 3 hours per day. Although the contact hours for BTP are slightly more in my case compared to others, I love that time. So, I am spending most of the time on other things

BTP(B.Tech Project) is my most enjoyed course in IITK. My BTP being in theory, it was just thinking(and sometimes reading a few papers) and nothing else.

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