September 17, 2014

On Nature

Nature recreates itself in every season. History is reenacted in each age, but never repeated. Change is an illusion and a reality at the same time. Over time, nothing repeats, but everything recreates itself. Every hero is reborn every sorrow is revisited and every battle will be fought again. This is the basic principle of existence. There is always a river and there shall always be one, but we can never step into the same river again. There is rain in every rainy season but it shall never be the same water droplets, never the same plants and never the same flood. We are the logical successors to our predecessors and logical predecessors to our successors in this never ending cycle of events.

People of ancient days(Indians most prominently) considered time as a cyclical concept. Nothing could be a possible source for that belief than the the daily drama of the sun and the yearly regeneration of the vegetation. People in those days might have laughed at the word 'development' and the idea that our lives are somehow following a linear trajectory with either an increasing or decreasing level of satisfaction. But today we have outgrown the wisdom of our creator, the sun and the logic of our food, the vegetation. We have conquered the sun by fusing atoms in the dark. And we have conquered vegetation by domesticating it in our fields.

And so, has time became linear from now onwards? Time as a cyclical concept is irrelevant as there is no 'time', but only 'this time'. But time as a linear concept is the only base scale on which everything else in the world is measured. May be it is an indication of the linear time that we use watches every day while people of ancient days may never cared to look at a watch in their whole life. So, will nature ever recreate again, will history ever reenact again, as long as this arrogant bipedal is still existing?

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