March 8, 2016


There is something hidden deep inside me, that only my soul knows
It tries everyday, every once in a while to purge that abomination off me
Yet, it cannot and I am stuck with suffering and pain

Does this suffering end, without purifying my body, and soul?
How do I purify that which is not pure

The germ in me laughs at my futile attempts
It challenges me if I can persist my fight
What shall I respond when I havent wont a single battle

February 6, 2016


I had therefore to remove knowledge, in order to make room for belief.
-- Kant

Belief, often without a logical basis, is the foundation for human excellence. If we don't believe the impossible, we would have never achieved the impossible. Impossible is difficult to deduce from reason and evidence, by its very nature. A blind belief is the only source of inspiration to strive to achieve that impossible of yesterday, which has become possible of today. With reason alone, we would have been stuck within the circle within which deductive reasoning rules, from the available evidence, and would have waited for new evidence for achieving the impossible. In most cases, blind belief alone pushes the boundaries of possibility. What we call as human endeavor, human spirit is based on a strong faith in blind belief. Many a times, I do something, because I feel I can do it, without knowing why.
The important question is, how does mind, that deterministic thinking machine, that organic matter thinking via well defined chemical reactions, actually believe something blindly, without a basis in evidence? How does it almost always predict/believe the right thing, when it can blindly believe the opposite too. There lies the mystery of what mind is.
No matter how powerful machines can become, at thinking and inventing, it is doubtful if they can ever learn to believe in the impossible. If they cannot, then can they ever become more achieving than us?

January 30, 2016


How do we characterize complexity? Can we give a formal definition for what we perceive as complexity in systems around us? Can we have a mathematical equation, and a mathematical truth, that can transcend differences in matter, shape, size, and can explain complexity in a system?

For a long time, I thought logarithm of number of independent systems that combine to form a larger system, gives an accurate measure of how complex a system can get. Complexity is directly proportional to the amount of effort needed to answer questions about a system. So it is very important to understand complexity, to solve the problem of finding strategy for solving problems. If what I think, i.e., logarithm of number of independent parts turns about to be correct, then all limited size problems can be solved in limited time. That way, it links space and time so tightly that they will just be treated as minor variations of essentially same thing.