March 20, 2015


There have been speculations of a possible future in which people would continue to live by transferring their consciousness into another body, using technology that doesn't exist now. The discussion is centered on the assumption that the so called immortality wanted by everyone. But I think nobody will like it. I think it would be a curse to continue to live for generations, to watch the horrors of life pass by. The burden of worldly affairs heaped with hundreds of years of experiences will sap mind's ability to think. And one day, man will realize he is no different from the machine that just follows a pre programmed path. Life is eventful when it is like a river taking birth in the high altitude, showing its youth in the gorges that follow, its maturity in the plateaus that follow, and it's contemplation in the deltas that follow, culminating in its return to that vast ocean mixing and merging with other fellow travelers who have also completed their journey. In contrast, imagine a river, just keep flowing continuously round and round, around the earth. It will be very boring at the least.

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